Board of Adjustment
The Board of Adjustment (BOA) meets on an as needed basis, the last Thursday of every month at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Smithfield Town Hall. Application deadline is the 1st Friday in each month.
The BOA is responsible for:
- Holding public hearings and making decisions on appeals of decisions made by the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Administrator;
- Holding public hearings and making decisions on requests for variances;
- Holding hearings and making decisions involving interpretations of the zoning map, including disputed district boundary lines and lot lines.
- Holding hearings and deciding on all matters upon which it is required to pass under any statute or ordinance that regulates land use and development; and
- Adopting rules and regulations governing its procedures and operations.
The Board of Adjustment consists of 7 regular members and 2 alternate members. Five members and 1 alternate member shall be citizens and residents of the town appointed by the Smithfield Town Council. Two members and 1 alternate member shall be citizens and residents of the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ), appointed by the Johnston County Board of Commissioners. Board members are appointed for terms of three (3) years
Board Members:
Sarah Edwards- Chairman (ETJ Alternate)
Jeremy Pearce Vice-Chair (In-Town)
Thomas Bell (In-Town Alternate)
Monique Austin (In-Town)